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Mystery Makers trademark policy


The trade mark MYSTERY MAKERS®, as well as our other trade marks, can only be used together with reference to products and services from Mystery Makers. Entertainment products from other parties, such as games, events and sports or cultural activities, cannot use the same designations as the ones already used by Mystery Makers.

Mystery Makers' trade marks/brands must be written in capital letters, e.g. MYSTERY MAKERS®. The name cannot be written in small letters ("mystery makers"). Our brands can be presented with bold font or in other ways set off in the text.

The use of a brand should be with use of ® once per publication, and the sentence "The trade mark MYSTERY MAKERS® is the property of Mystery Makers ApS" can be included.

References to MYSTERY MAKERS or other marks/brands cannot be presented in a way that would create doubt about the rights owner. Also, the trade marks cannot be used in a way that implies a particular partnership or sponsorship where this is not the case.

Our trade marks/brands may not be used as search words in e.g. Google AdWords in any way that infringes upon our rights. For example by using our trade marks/rights in a commercial title or in any other way creating confusion or giving the impression that a connection with Mystery Makers exists.

It is not permitted to use our trademarks/brands as keywords in, for example, Google AdWords in a way that infringes our rights. For example, by using our trademarks/brands in the title of an advert or in any other way that creates confusion or gives the impression that there is a connection to Mystery Makers.

Special guidelines for MYSTERY ROOM®

Our live escape room is called MYSTERY ROOM. We were the first Danish live escape game, and we have used the brand continuously since 2014. In case you want to make a live escape game, you will need to call it something else that cannot be confused with MYSTERY ROOM.

Specific instructions

Mystery Makers reserve all property rights in the trade mark MYSTERY MAKERS as well as other trade marks used. Please see specific examples of how to use our trade mark and domain name below. This list is not exhaustive.

Products and domains

- You may not use the trade mark on top- or second-level domains or on sub domains. The following examples are not allowed:

- You may not use, incorporate or combine the trade mark MYSTERY MAKERS or our other brands into your product names, company names or product designations.

- You may not combine the trade mark MYSTERY MAKERS or our other brands with your trade marks or third parties' trade marks.

- You may not use, register or apply for registration of any trade marks that are identical with or could be confused with MYSTERY MAKERS or our other brands.

- You may not use MYSTERY MAKERS or our other brands in your slogans or introduce or use, partially or in whole, our slogans as your own.

- MYSTERY MAKERS and our other brands should be used in a way that makes our trade marks/brands less eye-catching than the name of your own product or service.

Links on/to websites

- You may link to our website address from your website, on condition that you inform visitors on your website that they are redirected to the MYSTERY MAKERS website.

Mystery Makers want to create games and events that give players challenging, imaginative end educational experiences that enable them to get to know both themselves and their fellow players better.

MYSTERY MAKERS® is the primary trade mark used by Mystery Makers in connection with the company's activities. Furthermore, MYSTERY MAKERS use the following brands for the individual products and services:


Correct use of our trade marks is important to both our identity and the value of our trade marks. The following guidelines are therefore in effect regarding the use of MYSTERY MAKERS.


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Mystery Makers
Grønningen 15
1270 Copenhagen K
CVR NO. 36 91 29 01